What bow sights are compatible with the In-line Picatinny mounting system?
The following companies offer bow sights or sight adapters that are compatible with Hoyt's In-line Picatinny mounting system:
Can I retrofit my older model Hoyt bow with newer cams and limbs?
Each cam and limb model is specifically designed to work together with the particular bow models that they are built with. While some cam and limb models may have similar dimensions and physically “fit” on another bow, adding those parts can cause negative effects to both the performance and the safety of the bow. Hoyt does not recommend using any parts on a bow that were not originally available on that particular model from the Hoyt factory.
If my bow needs repairs or warranty work what should I do?
All warranty claims must be processed through your local genuine Hoyt dealer. The dealer will help determine if they can complete the required repairs or if Hoyt factory service is needed. Please take your bow in to your nearest Hoyt dealer at your earliest convenience so we can get it taken care of.
Where can I purchase or get pricing for Hoyt product?
As a manufacturer and a wholesale company, we do not sell our products directly through the Hoyt factory. We recommend using the dealer locator on the Hoyt web page to find a genuine Hoyt dealer near you.
How do I go about requesting a donation or discount from Hoyt?
Because of the large numbers of requests we receive for donation and discounts, we are only able to consider requests made by charities and non-profit organizations. If you are a charity with a Federal Tax Exemption Number, hosting an event related to bowhunting, archery or conservation, you may qualify for our Charitable Discount Program. In this case, please fill out the form at hoyt.com/donation-request. Please note that we can only respond to requests from such institutions and other requests will unfortunately not receive a response.
How do I find the serial number on my bow?
The following section of Hoyt.com will show you the possible serial number locations on your Hoyt bow:
Serial Number positioning varies by model and year. These are the 5 positions where your serial number could be located. Hoyt began adding serial numbers to bows in 2002.
Position 1: Located in the recessed area above the grip on the thumb side.

Position 2: Underneath the cable rod, located between the grip and the sight mounting holes.

Position 3: On the cable side of the riser, positioned between your sight mounting holes. This position is often used for Carbon model bows.

Position 4: Underneath the grip. This position is common on PowerMax and Charger bows.

Position 5: Between the limbs in the upper limb pocket.

How does Hoyt decide who is on the Pro Shooting Staff?
Hoyt has a factory direct professional shooting staff. This staff is compiled of the finest archers from across the globe. Many of whom have won or hold many world records, national records, world championship and national championship titles. These shooters are the cream of the crop and the best of the best. Here are some of the requirements that they have accomplished to get them on the Hoyt Pro Staff. (In no particular order): · They actively compete in the highest level of competition or the professional divisions at one of the following tournament circuits: NFAA, NAA, IBO, ASA and FITA. · They commit each year to at least one pro tour circuit in the NFAA, NAA, IBO, ASA and/or FITA tournaments. · They consistently medal at the above mentioned tournaments. · They are very helpful to newcomers to the sport and are actively involved in promoting the sport of archery. · They are professional and sportsmanlike in all archery related functions. · They are likely on a national archery team. · They have a diehard passion for Hoyt and are loyal to the Hoyt brand. If you feel that you meet the requirements to join our staff, please submit a resume to [email protected]! How does Hoyt decide who is on the National Shooting Staff? The National Shooting Staff is administered and managed by participating, authorized Hoyt dealers. For more information, please contact your local genuine Hoyt dealer.
How does Hoyt decide who is on the Hunting Pro Staff?
Hoyt has some of the most decorated names in the hunting industry on its Hunting Pro Staff. These professional hunters are among the most hardcore, avid bowhunters you’ll find anywhere. Many of them hunt for a living or have their own TV shows. They travel the world in search of trophy-class and hard-to-find game. Many record book-class trophies fall each year to the stealth of the Hoyt Bowhunting Pro Staff. Here are some of the requirements to earn a spot on Hoyt’s Bowhunting Pro Staff (In no particular order): · Be a diehard Hoyt fan. · Be an ethical and responsible hunter. · Be a regularly published writer in the major bowhunting publications. · Have your own television program that is aired on the Outdoor Channel (or be actively involved in one). · Regularly produce quality bowhunting videos and DVD’s. · Hunt a lot! · Be actively involved in promoting the sport of bowhunting. If you feel that you meet the requirements to join our staff, please submit a resume to [email protected]!
When my recurve limbs are unstrung, I can easily move them back and forth. Do I have a problem ?
The original, patented Hoyt Dovetail system functions by self-centering the limb on the engagement surfaces of the limb itself. This means that the system will appear to be loose until the bow is strung. Once the bow is strung, the self-centering aspect of the system takes over. Every time the bow is shot, the limbs are forced to the precise center alignment dictated by the geometric position of the alignment dowels. This makes shimming limbs for pocket fit unnecessary. Note that other bow companies making an imitation Hoyt dovetail may not hold the necessary tolerances required for optimal system function. This will be the case will all current Hoyt recurve bows except for the Gamemaster II and Dorado.
How many twists can I have/do I need in my recurve bow string?
Hoyt recommends that a modern synthetic (Dyneema, Fast Flight, etc.) string for a high-performance bow have not less than 15-20 twists with a suggested maximum of 1 twist per inch of string length. This promotes a rounder, more consistent string.
What recurve string material does Hoyt recommend ?
All Hoyt recurves are engineered to work with the latest high-performance string materials. We have extensively tested and have had good results with the following: Angel Majesty Brownell D75 Dyneema Brownell D75 Thin Brownell TS1 BCY Dynaflight 97 BCY 8125G or BCY 8190. Any of these current materials can be used to build an excellent recurve bowstring. Please consult manufacturer websites for additional information on these string materials.
What is the proper way to adjust recurve riser alignment?
For instructions on how to properly adjust recurve riser alignment refer to the Recurve Owner’s Manuals at: http://hoyt.com/product-manuals/recurve.
I have made alignment adjustments to my Hardlock-dowel-equipped Hoyt recurve riser but now I want to return the bow to the factory zero setting. How do I do it?
It is a simple matter to return your Hoyt recurve Hardlock dowel to the factory zero position. The installation of two alignment washers on the solid end of the dowel (the opposite end of the dowel from the screw and cap), and insertion of the dowel from the sight window side (top and bottom are not interchangeable) sets the dowel back to zero. Place unused washers under the cap, replace the locking screw, tighten the system down, and you a have a factory-fresh setting- which is all you need in 99.9 percent of setups with Hoyt limbs. Full details can be found in the Recurve Owner’s Manuals at: http://hoyt.com/product-manuals/recurve.
How often should I lubricate my wheels/cams?
A light, spot lubrication of the axles where they pass through the wheel/cam should be done on a regular basis (1,500-2,000 shots). In adverse hunting conditions where dirt, dust, and moisture are encountered, lubrication may be done on a daily basis. Hoyt recommends that you use a silicone or Teflon based lubrication or any other quality grease available at your local Hoyt Pro Shop. It is not recommended that you use "penetrating oils" such as WD-40, EZ #7, Fast Break, etc. Note: Cam & 1/2 System bows feature sealed stainless steel ball bearings which do not require lubrication.
How often should I wax my bow strings?
Hoyt recommends applying a light coat of bowstring wax to your bow's strings and cables on a regular basis. Hoyt suggests once every two weeks during peak use. Use a high quality bowstring wax available at your local Hoyt Pro Shop.
How often should I replace my strings and cables?
Hoyt recommends that a bow's strings and cables should be changed when wear is evident or every two years under normal use conditions.
How do I adjust the draw weight of my bow?
Weight adjustments can easily be made by turning the weight adjustment bolt or limb bolt (tiller bolt on recurve bows) clockwise to increase weight or counter clockwise to decrease weight. You should always turn the top and bottom adjustment bolts in equal amounts. Be sure to unstring recurve bows before making adjustments.
What arrows should I shoot with my bow?
To find out which arrow is the best to shoot with your setup, visit www.eastonarchery.com and click on the Shaft Selector Guide. This will walk you through a simple step by step process in order to find the shaft that's best for you. Hoyt bows should not be shot with arrows weighing less than 5 grains per pound of draw weight. http://www.eastonarchery.com/downloads/selection-charts
How far can I back the weight off of my compound bow and still be safe?
Hoyt recommends that you never exceed eight complete rotations of the limb weight adjustment bolts from the bottomed out (maximum weight) position.
What is the proper way to adjust recurve riser alignment?
For detailed instructions on proper recurve riser alignment adjustment, download the "riser adjustment procedure" PDF.
How far can I back my limb bolts out and how many pounds of draw weight do I lose with each turn?
On most Hoyt bows the maximum number of turns that you can turn out your limb bolts is eight (8). The Hoyt Ignite model bow can be adjusted out ten (10) turns. The amount of weight that you will lose varies from bow to bow and turn to turn. The only way to know how much weight is being lost is by measuring it on a bow scale.
How do I find the string and cable lengths for my Hoyt bow?
The string and cable lengths are normally listed on the limb sticker located on the limb of your bow. If this sticker is missing or illegible, you can go to Hoyt.com and research the tune charts for the correct specifications. Please visit the Compound Bow Tune Charts page. http://hoyt.com/tune-charts