Team Hoyt Takes 9 of 12 Podium Spots at JVD Open
EINDHOVEN, Netherlands — The Kings of Archery Series: JVD Open has grown immensely in the past five years hosting nearly 1000 archers this November. The JVD Open is becoming an event recognized across the world and is one you do not want to miss. Team Hoyt dominated wining nine of twelve possible podium spots, showcasing the accuracy and forgiveness of Hoyt's new 2020 products, particularly the INVICTA target compound bows and the Formula Xi recurves.
For qualification, archers shoot three rounds allowing a possible score of 900 points. Six Hoyt compound archers walked off the line with a perfect 900 as well as recurve archers Brady Ellison and Sjef van den Berg. Both Brady and Sjef competed in the JVD Open with one of our latest 2020 recurve models, the Formula Xi.
Sjef van den Berg went on to win it all in a Hoyt Podium Sweep. Sjef (GOLD) stands tall beside Gijs Broeksma (SILVER) and Cedric Rieger (BRONZE). All three shooters were shooting the Hoyt Formula system with Velos limbs.
Another strong Hoyt Podium Sweep for the Compound Women. Janine Meissner (GOLD), Ella Gibson (SILVER) and Sophie Dodemont (BRONZE).
Mike Schloesser, Mr. Perfect, takes SILVER with his Hoyt INVICTA in hand.
Hoyt Recurve shooter Aida Roman (SILVER) standing tall by fellow Team Hoyt shooter Louise Botte (BRONZE).